Capturiant holds environmental assets to the highest standards.
Capturiant builds on existing standards by only listing environmental assets with a proven scientific basis for emission reduction estimates and applying strict scrutiny to additionality claims.

The NGO model that dominates carbon markets today is increasingly unable to meet the needs of financial professionals seeking investment-grade environmental assets.
Marketplace: As a marketplace for buying and selling environmental assets, Capturiant delivers quick and simple transactions in a centralized and deal-vetted location.
Forwards: Capturiant is the only platform for buying environmental asset forwards. With our proprietary Performance Environmental Asset Credits (PEACs), investors can purchase forward future assets determined via preliminary analysis of projects.
Distributed Ledger: With the Hedera hashgraph, Capturiant tracks all assets in a publicly verifiable ledger. Investors don’t have to worry about double-selling, and have access to a built-in ecosystem of thousands of clients on the world’s largest enterprise-grade public network.
Risk Management: As a team of FINRA-registered individuals, Capturiant abides by securities-industry best practices in due diligence and KYC/AML procedures. Every asset sold on the Capturiant platform comes with a warranty.